“Levitation would have been a breeze简简单单的悬浮咒语~”顺带着,暮光帮助一匹陆马服务生为顾客倒了杯茶水。
“Facts and figures I recite with ease轻而易举的数学公式~”又顺带着,暮光在窗边用心算解了一道难解的数学题。
“I could ace a quiz on friendship's bliss我还知晓友谊的奥秘~”
“But I wasn't prepared for this却难以胜任这试题~”
“Will I fail是通过~”
“or will I pass还是挂科~”
“I can't be sure我不清楚~”
“She can't be sure她不清楚~”斯派克唱着和声。
“My mind is sharp才思敏捷~”
“My skills intact技艺精湛~”
“My heart is pure心无旁骛~”
“Her heart is pure她心无旁骛~”
“Oh, I've taken my share of licks无论喜悦或失意~”
“I've made it through the thin and thick我经历坎坷的遭遇~”
“But no I wasn't却难以胜任~~~”
“Oh no, she wasn't她难以胜任~”
“Oh no, I wasn't我难以胜任~~~”
“Oh no, she wasn't噢~她难以胜任~~~”
“Prepared...却难以胜任~for this这试题~~~~~~”